The Strategic Document for Integration of Foreigners who have been granted asylum



The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

 Apr 1, 2016 – Sep 30, 2016


The Strategic Document for Integration of Foreigners who have been granted asylum funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), national program 2014–2020. The project aims at  drafting the strategic policy document of integration of foreigners who have been granted asylum. The project implies three specific objectives.  Firstly, a legal analysis of refugees’ integration processes and policy will evaluate both the current state-of-art of integration policy and legal regulation of foreigners who have been granted asylum according to international and European Union standards. Sociological and political analysis of refugees’ integration policy infrastructure and assessment of best foreign countries’ practices in this field will identify the main gaps and potential solution of the policies. Finally, the strategic document of integration of foreigners who have been granted asylum will be developed. It will be followed by recommendations on concrete steps and measures to advance the implementation of refugees’ integration policy.


The Strategic Document for Integration of Third-Country Nationals funded by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, annual program 2013 (2014–2015). Project implemented by the Institute for Ethnic Studies (LSTC), Centre for Equality Advancement, Lithuanian Red Cross Society, ‘Diversity Development Group’, Social – educational initiatives centre PLUS, Social partnership foundation Magnum Bonum. The main aim of the project is to prepare strategic policy document of integration of third country nationals. The relevance of the project was measured considering the absence of migrant integration strategy and the need of such document in Lithuania, the obligation of the Government to prepare migration policy guidelines in 2014, previous policy documents, regulating immigration/migrant integration processes in Lithuania and migration/migrant integration policy developments in the EU. The project ‘The Strategic Document of Integration of Third-Country Nationals’ aims to encompass a consortium of organisations with many years of experience in an area of migration and migrant integration and develop the strategic document of integration of third country nationals.

Project coordinator

 Institute for Ethnic Studies of LSRC

Project partner

Diversity Development Group

Contact person

Karolis Žibas
Project manager