Recording of the final conference | Project "InterCap"
On January 14, 2021, the consortium of the InterCap project successfully implemented the 3rd and final international scientific conference “Promoting Policy Coherence for Development through Education”.
The conference was held online and attracted more than 170 participants. The event served as a forum for a constructive exchange of approaches on international progress in achieving Sustainable Development Goals; moreover, the role of global education in processing various strategies and actions promoted by the sustainable development experts was revisited and discussed.
The keynote speakers of the conference included:
- Dr. Fabien Tondel, Political Officer at the European Centre for Development Policy Management, who outlined the data and progress made internationally in terms of development policy, noting the areas that need further support and countries exhibiting considerable progress;
- Mr. Stefan Grasgruber-Kerl, Co-chair of CONCORD GCE in Global Citizenship Education, who analysed the role and actions of civil society organisations in Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) and Global Education at the local, national and European level;
- Dr. Aravella Zachariou, Head of the Unit of Education for Environment and Sustainable Development, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Mr. Liam Wegimont, Executive Director of the Global Education Network Europe (GENE), Dr. Michalinos Zempylas from the Open University of Cyprus and Mrs. Lidija Pavic Rogosic, Director of the NGO ODRAZ- Sustainable Community Development in Croatia on ‘The preconditions and effect of Global Education’, who joined the panel discussion to explore the actions educational authorities, institutions and CSOs need to take in order to promote Global Education. Furthermore, the four experts shared their insights on the role that educators from multiple fields play in this process, as well as opinionated on what they see as benefits learners and the society can attain via the promotion of Global Education.
In addition to that, the conference involved the participants into the workings of three practical workshops:
- “Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in the EU: are we making progress? How are Covid measures impacting policy implementation?” (delivered by Albin Keuc, Sloga and Max Zimani, Institute for Global Learning and Projects Development, Slovenia)
- “Promoting Coherence and Glocalisation through Connected, Critical and Collaborative Thinking: an introduction to Communities of Philosophical Enquiry (COPE)” (delivered by Andrea Bullivant, Liverpool World Centre, United Kingdom, and Marta Gontarska, The Anti-discrimination Education Association, Poland)
- “Educating active and responsible global citizens: effective tools and learning approaches” (delivered by Indre Augutiene, Global Citizens’ Academy, Lithuania).
During the event, CARDET, the coordinating organization of the InterCap project, also addressed the participants in order to present the scope and impact of the programme.
Access full recording of the conference: here